
7 ways to get more involved in organized dentistry

Are you looking to play a role in organized dentistry? Do you have ideas or concerns that leaders in the profession should know about? Do you have stories and experiences to share that can potentially help other new dentists? Your voice is important, and here are some ways to impact your dental community.

1.Contact your ADA New Dentist Committee representative. Look for your 2020-21 representative on this page .

2.Reach out to your state or local new dentist committee. Most state dental societies have a new dentist committee that provides resources, continuing education tracks and social networking events.

3.Share your experiences and learned-lessons at the New Dentist Now blog, . Email with your ideas to get started.

4.Ask about micro-volunteering opportunities at your state or local dental society. Getting involved doesn’t always mean a big commitment.

5.Volunteer for charitable dentistryevents. Help bridge the access to care gap through programs such as Mission of Mercy and Give Kids A Smile.

6.Take a stand in Washington, D.C. Help the ADA advocate for things that matter to dentists and the patients they serve at .

7.Fill out the newly launched ADA Volunteer Interest form at .

Need more information on how and where to start? Contact Tera Lavick, ADA New Dentist Committee director, at 1-800-621-8099 ext. 2386 or .

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