Light of the World Charities

1508 SW Mapp Rd.
Palm City, FL 34990
Religious Affiliation: Christianity
Contact: Theresa Becker
Phone: 772-223-9781
Mission: The St. Benedict Joseph Medical Center is a joint effort of Light of the World Charities and is placed under the authority of the Catholic Diocese of Comayagua. The final design is a two story facility that includes consult rooms, a critical care room, a pharmacy, 4 operating rooms, separate pre-op & recovery areas, a birthing area, several patient rooms, a chapel and classrooms. The Center hosts visiting surgical teams who offer their services free of charge to the poor. St. Benedict Joseph has four operating rooms and all the basic services of a surgical suite from pre-op to recovery. It also provides support services such as consult rooms, a clinical lab, a pharmacy and patient rooms for short-term observation after surgery. When not hosting visiting medical teams, St. Benedict Joseph functions as a free basic health clinic serving approximately 1000 patients monthly. When possible, it will offer prenatal care and birthing services for low-risk, non-emergency pregnancies.