Somos Amigos Medical Missions

71250 N Thunderbird Terrace
Rancho Mirage, CA 92270
Religious Affiliation: None
Contact: Frank Brightwell, Director
Phone: 408-960-5366
Mission: Somos Amigos operates a primary care clinic in an underserved area of the Dominican Republic. Our dental teams include hygienists, pediatric dentists, oral surgeons, endodontists, and general dentists. We also have a denture lab. We staff our clinic quarterly and we have a patient population of more than 5,000.


Program Type: Delivery of Care
Program Name: Somos Amigos Medical Missions
Countries/Regions Served: Dominican Republic
Duration: 1 week (4 trips per year)
Recruited Personnel: Dentists, physicians, nurses, hygienists, assistants, translators, and students
Language Requirements: None; Spanish is helpful but translators provide assistance
Accommodations: Provided; volunteers stay in homes in community
Materials Needed: Donations of dental, medical and pharmaceutical supplies are appreciated; please inquire
Close up photo of a patient receiving dental care at a clinic while holding a caregiver's hand Photo of two smiling children in red clothing Photo of patient receiving care while holding the hand of a caregiver two young boys smiling Two dentists in clinci Photo of patient receiving treatment in a dental clinic