Los Medicos Voladores The Flying Doctors

P.O. Box 1465
Pt. Reyes Station, CA 94956
Religious Affiliation: Other
Contact: Stacy Gradman
Phone: 415.663.1833
Email: Flyingdocscorporate@gmail.com

   Building and Strengthening Underserved Communities through Healthcare, Education and Volunteerism.
   Los Médicos Voladores (LMV), Spanish for “The Flying Doctors”, is a volunteer-based, non-religious, non-profit organization that aims to improve the health and well-being of geographically diverse peoples through education and the provision of no-cost, high-quality medical, dental, and optometry clinics. LMV serves Mexico, Central and South America, under-served populations in California and internationally. Since 1975 LMV has offered more than 500 short-term medical, dental, optometry, and other healthcare clinics, treating over 7,000 patients per year.


Program Type: Delivery of Care
Program Name: None
Countries/Regions Served: United States, Guatemala, Haiti, Mexico, Latin America and the Caribbean
Duration: US - Weekends, Mexico 3-7 days, Guatemala 7 days, Haiti 1-2 weeks
Recruited Personnel:

Students, Dentists, Oral Surgeons, Hygienists

Language Requirements: None, translation provided


Materials Needed: paper goods & consumables: gloves, gowns masks, bibs; needles, anesthetics, composite material, burs, delivery units, repair parts, instruments, hand pieces, x-ray sensors, Kodak software for digital x-ray, curing lights.
Dates and Locations:
Dental Clinic Set up In Gymnasium Volunteer Group Logo Patient being treated at outdoor clinic Dentist Smiling Holding tray of tools Dentists treating patient