Emory Global Dental Brigades
Emory University
605 Asbury Circle
Atlanta, GA 30322
Religious Affiliation: None
605 Asbury Circle
Atlanta, GA 30322
Religious Affiliation: None
Mission: To empower volunteers to facilitate sustainable solutions in under resourced communities while fostering local cultures.
Program Type: Delivery of Care
Program Name: Emory Dental Brigade in Honduras
Countries/Regions Served: Honduras
Duration: 5 days
Recruited Personnel: Honduran dentist
Language Requirements: None, Spanish preferred
Accommodations: N/A
Materials Needed: Gloves, Lidocaine (2%), Septocaine (4%), non-epinephrine injections (3%), short dental infiltration needles (30G), long dental block needles (27G), sharps containers, gauze, masks, dental bibs, topical analgesic, hydrogen peroxide, saline, alcohol swabs,