Campaign statement
Our next president must lead us into a future we create for ourselves, not a future determined by others. I am optimistic that together we can ACT: advocate for our profession; communicate our concerns to each other and the world at large; and transform into the best ADA yet.
As chairman of our Budget & Finance Committee, our Foundation and as liaison to ADPAC, among other service to dentistry, I believe the ADA is our voice and the source of our professional power.
The proof is the recent medical loss ratio victory against insurance greed, where we advocated for controlled costs, communicated in realtime and transformed our practice environment. Our patients and providers were protected. Dentistry won. This is the power of our ADA.
Now is a time to be bold fearless leaders. We must be a bridge from a proud past to an even stronger future. This is the collaborative, effective leadership I have always practiced and now offer as candidate for ADA president-elect.
With your support, we will meet the challenges ahead and make manifest our chosen future. It would be an honor to continue to serve and work with all of you. I humbly ask for your vote.