Tell Congress Not to Increase Taxes on Dental Practices
Crucial tax provisions are set to expire in 2025. We want Congress to know how important it is to dentists and their patients that Congress extends these beneficial tax provisions. That is why we are asking you to write to the Ways and Means Committee today to tell them your story of how your practice has benefited from these tax breaks and how it would be affected if they were to expire. The ADA will also be backing up our membership with its own comments to the committee.
After entering your information, please be sure to edit the letter provided to add your personal story.
The following questions may be helpful as you begin telling your story to your Member of Congress:
- How has the 20% tax deduction for businesses organized as pass-throughs with income below $300,000 helped your practice? How would losing this deduction affect your practice?
- Bonus depreciation allows dental practices and other businesses to deduct additional depreciation for the cost of qualifying business property, beyond normal depreciation allowances. How has your practice benefitted from bonus depreciation, and how would your practice be affected by bonus depreciation being scaled back to 0% in 2027?
- How has the reduction of the corporate tax to 21% benefitted your practice? How would raising the corporate tax rate affect your practice?