Dr. ArNelle Wright is a general dentist in Orlando, FL, a wife and mom of two. Her approach to dentistry and mentorship inspires peers and students to value their role as leaders, while also providing their patients with optimal dental care.
Our podcast hosts
Real talk for dentists, hosted by dentists who’ve been there! Meet the hosts who bring the conversation to life on the Dental Sound Bites podcast.
Dental Sound Bites current hosts

Dr. Effie Ioannidou has dedicated her career to advancing dental research and empowering future generations of dentists. She is a tenured professor at UCONN School of Dental Medicine, the Associate Editor of the JDR Clinical and Translational Research and President-elect of the American Association of Dental, Oral, and Craniofacial Research.
Dental Sound Bites past hosts

Dr. Hanlon is the executive vice president of Promethean Dental Systems, an innovative dental education and technology company. From practicing dentist to dental school faculty member and now, entrepreneur, Dr. Hanlon’s passion lies in improving dentistry and the leadership of successful, collaborative teams.
The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the American Dental Association.