CDEL's Teacher Scholarship 

The ADA Council on Dental Education and Licensure supports dental education and ADA general dentist members interested in a career in academia. As part of the commitment to dental education, the Council grants six full tuition scholarships annually to the Academy for Advancing Leadership’s Institute for Teaching and Learning (AAL/ITL). 

Dental Scholarship for the Academy for Advancing Leadership's Institute for Teaching and Learning

The Academy for Advancing Leadership's Institute for Teaching and Learning (AAL/ITL) can refine participants teaching skills and enhance participants interactions with their students.

About the ITL

The ITL is a teacher training program for full- or part-time dental educators and private practitioners interested in an academic career. The ITL program is presented as a four-day onsite program with class discussions, small-group projects, problem-solving exercises, observation and critique of teachers in action, self-directed coursework, peer feedback, and presentations by ITL Scholars. The program allows participants to explore all aspects of academia. Additionally, the ITL includes up to 35 hours of continuing education credit through the Commission for Continuing Education Provider Recognition and the Academy of General Dentistry PACE program. 

In addition, participants have the opportunity to expand their experience with complimentary access to the Fundamentals of Clinical Education (FCE), an online, asynchronous program to equip new dental educators with the right tools to succeed. FCE is comprised of five learning modules covering fundamental knowledge areas as well as best practices. The FCE covers the current landscape of clinical education including:

  • the importance of diversity and inclusion, and working with different generations; and
  • methods for assessment, feedback, and
  • promoting student development

Each module utilizes video, lectures, interviews, simulations, and assessments to provide comprehensive educator training.

Scholarship Selection Criteria

CDEL’s scholarship recipients will be selected based on the established criteria of:

  • Meets the eligibility requirements
  • Accuracy of information on the application form
  • Strength of recommendation letters
  • Strength of the personal essay

Scholarship Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for the scholarship the individual must be:

  • a general dentist
  • a current ADA member
  • a graduate of a CODA-accredited dental education program
  • licensed to practice/teach dentistry in the United States
  • currently engaged in the active practice or teaching of dentistry
Applying for the Scholarship

The deadline to apply for the scholarships is March 21, 2025. Scholarships will be granted in May. The ADA CDEL/AAL Teacher Scholarship Application includes the complete list of criteria and eligibility requirements. To submit, follow the instructions on the application.

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