The idea that formal employee performance evaluations are an uncomfortable one-hour meeting that you have to have with each employee every year no longer applies. Today, more staff members, especially Millennials, expect to have regular, and frequent, feedback sessions where they’re given input and coaching on how to do more, learn more, and contribute more.
Despite the need for formal reviews, all employees, especially your best ones, want input, feedback and encouragement. They also want your time and attention at the times that they need it most. Providing them with this support will motivate them to continue to be high performers for the sake of both your patients and the practice.
It’s a good idea to schedule the performance review, or coaching session, according to how long the employee has been on staff. Generally speaking, new employees benefit from more frequent feedback than those who have been with the practice longer. See Tips for Managing Performance – All Employees and Tips for Managing Performance – New Employees for suggestions on managing the performance evaluation process.
Salary reviews and formal performance evaluations should be two separate discussions conducted independently of each other. Both should be done annually and it’s often a good management practice to conduct them at different times of year. This reinforces the concept that, while they may be related, they are separate aspects of employment. See Tips for Managing Salary Reviews for more information on this topic.
Tips for Managing Performance – All Employees
Tips for Managing Performance – New Employees
Tips for Managing Salary Reviews